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"I often get asked, "why go out of the United States when underprivileged kids need help here too?" The simple answer is, we live in a country with many social programs that provide assistance.  The countries in our initiatives don't have access to the same level of support or help.  We see the world as a global village, and to me, where the love flows to is not confined to where we were live."




The founder of Anne and Me, Stephanie Swenseid, is a native of California with a deep passion for helping others.  She has a background in diversity and inclusion program development an most recently, she left her corporate position to pursue humanitarian efforts full time in both CA and in Kenya.  


In CA, she advocates for homeless children who struggle academically, helping them bridge gaps in their education.

In Kenya, her focus is reducing financial barriers to education for girls in Kenya. She is also a professional photographer who's images have been published in a variety of mediums, a humanitarian and founder of the “Anne and Me” initiative. 


She remembers sitting in her living room as a child watching Wild Kingdom, fixated on the beauty of Africa and the palatable calling she felt overtaken by the spirit of the people. What was calling her to Africa would not reveal itself until years later on a chance trip to Kenya on a medical mission to the African bush.


This trip would prove to be the impetus for the “Anne and Me” initiative where she met a girl named Ann who would change not only her life but the lives of many other young girls.  

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